On 30th April, 2014, The Institute of Computer Science, Mbarara University School of Technology held their first Annual ICS Awards, which saw Inovations from Students in ICS recognised and rewarded in different categories including two ideas from first and second year students.
The Award was aimed at stimulating, harnessing and honoring student ideas to sustainable ICT entrepreneurship.
The folowing were the objectives of the ICS Award:
·To develop a culture of innovation in the Institute of Computer Science and the whole university
·Stimulate, mentor and nurture student innovations from school ideas to successful startups that will have a great impact on community development
·Empower students to develop relevant and up-to-date software development skills up to implementation
·Accelerate the development of commercial software from locally borne ideas in the university
Participants in the 18 teams that participated were awarded certificates and encouraged by the different guests, staff members and Administrators Including the Deputy Vice chancellor who was the guest of honour, the Director of ICS among others.
The Judging criteria in which Outbox took part was based on; the Product, its sustainability, development impact, novelty and inovation.
MUST was started as the second public University in Uganda following the Uganda governments’ realization that higher education was a critical asset for nation building, and that Science and Technology was the most realistic driver to lead this initiative.
A culture of research and innovation needs to be harnessed into the university. An atmosphere that stimulates and nurtures this innovation is paramount in meeting the mission and goals of the university and making the university standout as a center of research and academic excellence.
Every year, students in the Institute of Computer Science do several projects. However, very few see the light of implementation. ICS awards is a channel that the Software Incubation and Innovations Unit of MUST has put into place to guide students to have these projected implemented in the real world.
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