On Saturday 30th November, 2013, Outbox hosted Fredrik Lotter and Ernest Lotter, two brothers both electronic engineers from Blue Horizon embedded with good industry experience, for a practical workshop on ARM Technology.Fredrik and Ernest's visit was to meet up and contribute/help tech communities on the way down on ARM Technology. They offered a talk around the work they have done and shared some knowledge on ARM, ARM processors, the business model and industry revolving around ARM.They also shared a talk on embedded Linux in ARM, including how to create such an environment from Scratch. The participants used Raspberry Pis to complete a design challenge where they had to end up with a working embedded system.Fredrik has worked for ARM for the last 8 years, but now returning home with his brother to start a new ARM based company in South Africa.It was a fun filled session and very satisfactory. See more pictures on out facebook wall; https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.562969727121209.1073741856.224250187659833&type=1At Outbox, we now have in our possession 6 Paspberrt Pis packages, where those interested in Embedded systems programming can come and interact with.
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