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Kampala R Meetup - January 2018 Edition

Kampala R Meetup - January 2018 Edition



Outbox Hub, Soliz House, Plot 23 Lumumba Avenue [10:00 AM to 12:00 PM]

About the Event

Introduction to R and Organizing Team [10:00 AM - 12:00 PM]


R is a free and open programming language for statistical computing, data analysis, and graphical visualization. Along with this powerful software, comes a dynamic and vast community. The KampalR user Group seeks to bring this community together to share ideas, discuss R related topics, and provide direction for new and experienced users.

Although R was primarily used in academia, it is rapidly growing in use by major companies as well and is becoming increasingly more visible. One of the major strengths of R is the community-based nature of the project. From the original development to current maintenance and development, R is maintained by a growing community of members. This community is what we seek to foster with this group. We are committed to bringing together local R users in Kampala, Uganda to exchange knowledge and information in an informal setting in the hopes of creating new ideas and directions for users.

For more information on R, see The R Project at:

What shall we cover?

Introduction to organising team and brief dive into Introduction to R.

Who should attend?

Stats and Data people who want to learn R (the swiss knife for data analysis).


Plans for more R meetups and start building a slack community.


No Knowledge, just come with a laptop and if you can install Rstudio and R that will be awesome.


Richard Ngamita and Lorna

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