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GeekNight Kampala November 2017 Edition: MVP Architecture for Android

GeekNight Kampala November 2017 Edition: MVP Architecture for Android



Outbox Hub - Lumumba Avenue, Kampala, Uganda

About the Event

Unit Testing & Dependency Injection (5:30PM - 8PM)


Architecture pattern is fundamental to building software, and it is the only way to maintain a clean project. Out-of-the-box Android does not offer a good way to structure your project. To compensate, Android developers often clutter their activities with business logic, data access, and external api calls, which results in view complexities, difficult to test codebase, and unmaintainable code.

Join us at the GeekNight session on the 28th November 2017 for the November edition at Outbox, from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm to discuss in detail.

What shall we cover?

The talk is a continuation for architecturing your Android application using MVP talk. We’ll be talking about testing your Android application and dependency injection. The format will employ a presentation as well as live code samples: 

  • Overview of the MVP architecture
  • Unit testing your Android application
  • What is Dependency Injection
  • Dependency Injection with Dagger
  • Code samples

Who should attend?

Android developers with a desire to grow in Mobile software development.


The attendees will attain the knowledge of architecturing android apps using MVP. Unit testing
a well structured app and dependency injection.

Add unit test and dependency injection to an existing Android codebase.

Pre - requisites


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